Bouquet Eva
The Eva Bouquet is an elegant and delicate bouquet composed of white roses, pink lilies and pink daisies. Presented in a craft basket, it is ideal for all special occasions. Offering this bouquet means offering a moment of happiness and love.
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Don't forget to save your customization to be able to add to cartThe Eva Bouquet is the perfect expression of elegance and delicacy. Carefully composed, this captivating bouquet is a true delight for the senses. White roses, timeless symbols of purity and love, blend harmoniously with pink lilies, evoking grace and femininity. The pink daisies, for their part, bring a touch of freshness and softness to the whole.
This strikingly beautiful bouquet is presented in a beautiful craft basket, adding a touch of rusticity and authenticity to this floral arrangement. Its unique and refined design makes it an ideal gift for all special occasions, whether it's a birthday, Mother's Day or simply to please a loved one.
Offering the Eva Bouquet means offering much more than just a bouquet of flowers. It is offering a moment of happiness and joy, a true declaration of love and affection. Let yourself be seduced by the timeless beauty of this bouquet and please your loved ones by giving them a gift that will remain engraved in their memory.
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